DISC Solutions for Coaches

Elevate Your Coaching Practice

As a dedicated business coach or consultant, your commitment to assisting others is essential to your success. PeopleKeys helps you build open, trusting relationships with your clients, whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned professional.

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Benefits of Coaches Utilizing PeopleKeys

Understanding your clients deeply is critical for success. Tailor your coaching approach to reveal the unique strengths of each client, fostering unparalleled efficiency and achieving greatness collaboratively.


Strategic Growth Solutions

Elevate your coaching practice with PeopleKeys’ transformative strategies that go beyond conventional consulting to drive business growth.


Team Dynamics Optimization

Gain valuable tools to analyze and improve team dynamics, ensuring lasting impact on organizational performance.


Tailored Coaching Integration

Tailor solutions aligning with your methodologies, enhancing strategic planning, leadership development, and talent management.


Proven Measurable Results

Coaching positively influences employee engagement, productivity, and performance, enhancing the return on investment for your clients.


Decision-Making Empowerment

Exercise full control in selecting tools for impactful business results, choosing resources that positively impact clients and contribute to their success.


Enhance Credibility

Enhance credibility with PeopleKeys’ advanced tools, offering transformative strategies that position you as a forward-thinking and impactful coach.

Trusted by thousands of leading coaches wordwide

Thousands of Coaches Worldwide Trust PeopleKeys

I was a teacher with a dream of making working environments more humane. PeopleKeys helped me to realize my dream with their knowledge and their (amazing!) accurate and positive assessments.

As a result, I now run my own multi-million dollar training company specialized in DISC and other PeopleKeys related products. Others will sell you their products like DISC; PeopleKeys helped me to realize my dream and create a successful business of my own.

Sandor Lemstra

Director / Owner, DISC Factor B.V., The Netherlands


Become a Certified Behavioral Consultant to Maximize Your Understanding

Most coaches interested in utilizing PeopleKeys assessments in their practice make the decision to elevate their credentials and expertise by becoming a Certified Behavioral Consultant (CBC). Our certification program offers a strategic edge, providing you with in-depth knowledge and skills to use DISC assessments effectively in your coaching practice.

Access the most validated and comprehensive DISC tools in the market, exclusive CBC discounts for ongoing cost-effectiveness, and quick customer support whenever you need help. Gain access to extensive training resources to excel in your coaching profession and stay connected with the latest advancements in behavior-based analysis.

Truly Make Your Reports Your Own

Enhance your coaching practice with PeopleKeys’ top-tier DISC assessments, and take it a step further by white-labeling your reports to reinforce your unique brand.

By customizing your reports, you not only distinguish yourself from competitors using generic assessments but also reinforce your brand identity, resulting in improved credibility of your brand, increased loyalty of your clients, and so much more.

With PeopleKeys, coaches like you can access a complimentary business account, enabling full branding customization without the burden of monthly or annual fees. Streamline the administration and distribution of assessments effortlessly to add real value to your coaching services.

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Grow Your Coaching Business with PeopleKeys

Our validated and accredited solutions address specific assessment tools, training, and technology needs of coaches and consultants worldwide.

Easily Manage & Distribute Your Assessments

Enhance coaching efficiency with our user-friendly portal.

Streamline Assessment Management

Add Your Branding to Your Reports

No Annual or Monthly Portal Fees

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Frequently Asked Coaching Questions

How does behavior-based analysis benefit my coaching practice?

Behavior-based analysis from PeopleKeys reports enriches your coaching practice by providing a deep understanding of individuals’ behavioral traits. This insight allows you to tailor your coaching approach, align strategies with clients’ unique preferences, and foster more effective communication. Ultimately, it enhances your ability to guide clients toward meaningful growth and success by leveraging a personalized and nuanced coaching methodology.

How do PeopleKeys' assessments help address communication breakdowns in client organizations?

PeopleKeys assessments offer insights into individual communication styles, fostering understanding among team members. Coaches can identify and address communication gaps, leading to improved collaboration, clearer communication, and enhanced team dynamics.

What sets apart PeopleKeys Certified Behavioral Consultants (CBCs) in the coaching industry?

Becoming a CBC with PeopleKeys means mastering the interpretation of DISC and other assessments, gaining a unique skill set to elevate coaching. As a leader in the industry, PeopleKeys’ certification brings credibility, ensuring coaches stand out and deliver exceptional value.

How can I integrate PeopleKeys' assessments into my coaching methodologies and planning?

Integrate DISC and other PeopleKeys assessments seamlessly into your coaching processes. From team-building workshops to individual coaching sessions, these tools offer valuable insights. They become integral in strategic planning, leadership development, and talent management initiatives.

Can I customize reports to align with my coaching brand?

Absolutely! You can personalize assessment reports by adding your logo, creating a branded touch. Additionally, include static content, like an informational page about your coaching practice. This customization ensures the reports represent your brand identity effectively.

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Tips for Building a Successful Coaching Brand

Establishing a unique and powerful brand is essential for standing out and attracting the right clients. Your coaching brand is more than just a logo or a catchy tagline; it’s the overall…

Using DISC for Stress Management & Change in Coaching

In the dynamic landscape of coaching and management, stress and change are no longer occasional visitors but rather constant companions. Navigating tough times demands not just…

DISC in Business Coaching: Making Workplaces Better

Business coaches span diverse forms and niches, yet they all share one common goal: seeing their clients succeed. In their toolbox, coaches wield a powerful asset accessible to all of their…

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