Understanding PeopleKeys Assessments

PeopleKeys utilizes four tools: DISC, TEAMS, VALUES, and BAI, in conjunction with performance benchmarks to provide a legal, predictable, and accurate matching tool for organizational success.

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Our flagship assessment

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Team contributions & thinking styles

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Core beliefs & values

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Hidden motivators & attributes

recruitment hiring


PeopleKeys DISC is a powerful tool designed to uncover the intricacies of human behavior and communication styles. Rooted in the renowned DISC model, which identifies four primary behavioral styles – Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C) – this assessment provides individuals and organizations with invaluable insights into their own behavioral tendencies and those of others.

By understanding one’s dominant and secondary behavioral styles, individuals can enhance their self-awareness, improve communication skills, and adapt their interactions to better connect with others. DISC assessments facilitate team building, conflict resolution, and leadership development by fostering a deeper understanding of diverse personality types within groups. The DISC assessment empowers individuals and teams to unlock their full potential and achieve greater success.


TEAMS is a specialized assessment tailored to optimize teamwork and collaboration within organizations. Built upon the foundation of the DISC model, TEAMS delves into the behavioral dynamics present within teams, identifying strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improvement.

By analyzing the unique blend of behavioral styles within a team, TEAMS helps team members gain a deeper understanding of each other’s communication preferences, work styles, and motivations. Armed with this knowledge, teams can enhance their communication channels, leverage individual strengths, and navigate conflicts more effectively. TEAMS assessments go beyond individual analysis to provide comprehensive insights into team dynamics, enabling organizations to build cohesive and high-performing teams that drive innovation and achieve shared goals.

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personal growth


VALUES is a comprehensive assessment exploring the fundamental values and motivations that guide individuals in their personal and professional lives. Unlike traditional personality assessments, VALUES delves into the deeper layers of an individual’s psyche, uncovering their core beliefs, priorities, and sources of fulfillment. By examining various aspects of life, such as career aspirations, relationships, and personal goals, VALUES provides individuals with clarity on what truly matters to them. This heightened self-awareness not only aids in personal development and decision-making but also facilitates alignment with organizational values and goals.

Whether utilized for career planning, organizational culture assessment, or personal growth initiatives, VALUES empowers individuals to lead more fulfilling lives that resonate with their deepest values and aspirations.


BAI, or Behavioral Attitudes Index, explores the attitudes and mindset that individuals hold toward specific behaviors and activities. By evaluating attitudes across various dimensions, such as work-related behaviors, communication styles, and leadership approaches, BAI provides organizations with insights into the underlying beliefs and perspectives driving individual behavior. This nuanced understanding enables organizations to identify areas of alignment or misalignment with organizational values, goals, and culture.

BAI assessments are invaluable for enhancing performance management, fostering leadership development, and promoting a culture of accountability and engagement within organizations. By uncovering behavioral attitudes, organizations can cultivate a workforce that is not only aligned with organizational objectives but also empowered to drive positive change and innovation.

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Not All Behavior is Observable

Think of behavior like an iceberg: what’s visible above the surface is just a small part of the whole. DISC represents the observable actions and traits, much like the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface lie TEAMS, VALUES, and BAI, which delve into the deeper, less visible aspects of personality and behavior. These elements provide insight into the motivations, attitudes, and internal drivers that aren’t immediately apparent but are crucial for understanding the complete picture. This is why PeopleKeys allows you to combine DISC with any or all of our three other assessments, tailored to your specific needs.

Enhance DISC with the Assessments You Choose

Customize your insights by pairing DISC with the specific assessments that best suit your goals.

2D Report: Includes DISC and your choice of either TEAMS, VALUES, or BAI

3D Report: Includes DISC and any two from TEAMS, VALUES, or BAI

4D Report: Includes DISC, TEAMS, VALUES, and BAI

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Featured Blogs on Assessments

Why DISC Is the Best (And Legal) Choice for Hiring

A large part of our business has been fueled by our unique and positive approach to finding the best in people and believing a key to success is learning how to unlock the positive…

Why DISC Sometimes Isn’t Always Enough

Imagine going on a first date armed with nothing but a photograph of your date. Sure, a picture can reveal some things, but basing your entire decision on that one snapshot might…

The True Value of a Free DISC Assessment

Maybe someone suggested that DISC will help you to become more self-aware. They also said there are plenty of free sites to go and take a free DISC assessment. Kudos to you for wanting…